How To Begin
We Offer You a Process
You can begin before the actual counseling session.
INSIGHT INVENTORY. You can begin by completing our Insight Inventory which leads you through a set of questions that are designed to draw your attention to what you most want to address. After you complete the Insight Inventory you may have all you need to take the next step yourself. (See link below)
If you want more clarity or accountability as you manage your transitions, then you can call for an appointment.
WHAT TO EXPECT IN A SESSION. Rather than completing the Insight Inventory, you may want to start with our guidance and support. in your first session. you will provide basic information for background and then you will begin by talking about what lead you to call. Begin your story. Our sessions last an hour.
We can set a goal for each session to assure that you will leave with a sense of being a step closer to your goal. This is a process and your desired outcome may take several sessions. We encourage you to allow the process to deepen as both of us gain clarity and grow in understanding of how you will make meaning out of what you gain in your sessions.
Please click on the link to download the Insight Inventory.
Terms & Conditions
COST. Our sessions are $100 per hour. You may file with your insurance or apply towards your health savings account. Once your appointment is confirmed, we will send you an invoice which can be paid through PayPal. (
CONFIDENTIALITY Your sessions are always confidential and we are bound by our ethical code not to disclose. Please click on the links to download the PRIVACY POLICY. and
INFORMED CONSENT. Your rights as client and my responsibility as a therapist.